Councilwoman Caputi began her first term on the Scottsdale City Council in January 2021.

Councilwoman Caputi has lived and worked in Scottsdale for over 20 years. She is the president and owner of Yale Electric West, Inc, a company she founded in Scottsdale in 2001.

Councilwoman Caputi holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Wellesley College in Wellesley, MA and a Master’s in Business Administration from Simmons University in Boston, MA.

Councilwoman Caputi is a Fellow with the Flinn-Brown Arizona Center for Civic Leadership and Leading for Change and current chair of the Scottsdale Coalition of Today and Tomorrow (SCOTT), an organization dedicated to promoting, enhancing, and improving Scottsdale’s quality of life and economic vitality through community education and involvement in public policy issues. Additionally, she recently served a three-year term on the city’s Development Review Board.

She has been interested in health and fitness all her life and participates regularly, along with her husband, Steve, in many outdoor activities and physical pursuits. They have three young daughters who attend local public schools.

Last Updated: Feb 29, 2024

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